Dony Valles Cotrina

Icaros, also spelled Icaros or Ikaros, are not songs by a single artist or band, but rather traditional chants or songs used by shamans during Ayahuasca ceremonies. They are an integral part of the Ayahuasca experience, believed to serve a number of purposes.

  • Communication with spirits and ancestors: Icaros are sung to invite spirits and ancestors to participate in the ceremony and offer guidance or healing.
  • Healing and protection: The specific melodies and lyrics of Icaros can be directed towards specific ailments or to create a protective energetic space for those participating in the ceremony.
  • Navigation of the altered state: The rhythmic and familiar nature of Icaros can be grounding and provide a sense of comfort and direction during the sometimes intense experience of an Ayahuasca journey.

The word "Icaro" itself can refer to the energetic presence or spirit that is channeled through the songs. Traditionally, Icaros are passed down through lineages of shamans or learned through dreams and visions. The melodies themselves are often complex and repetitive, and the language used can be a combination of the shaman's native tongue and phonemes that have no specific meaning but are believed to carry powerful energetic vibrations.

Dona Cotrina Valles has been working with traditional plant medicine for over 30 years. Her center, Chaska Suyay, is located just outside of Iquitos, Peru. Here she discusses the work that she does with plants and how her work can help people suffering from physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual illnesses and how she and the plants work to help people heal.